You can find on this page the Mumbai - Bombay trains map to print and to download in PDF. The Mumbai - Bombay trains map presents the rail network and railway stations of the trains of Mumbai - Bombay in Maharashtra - India.

Mumbai - Bombay rail map

The Mumbai - Bombay rails map shows all the railway stations and lines of Mumbai - Bombay trains. This railway map of Mumbai - Bombay will allow you to easily plan your route with the trains of Mumbai - Bombay in Maharashtra - India. The Mumbai - Bombay rails map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Mumbai - Bombay is the headquarters of two of Indian Railways zones: the Central Railway (CR) headquartered at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus), and the Western Railway (WR) headquartered at Churchgate. Mumbai - Bombay is also well connected to most parts of India by the Indian Railways. Long-distance trains originate from Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Dadar Station, Lokmanya Tilak Terminus, Mumbai Central Station, Bandra Terminus, Andheri and Borivali as its shown in Mumbai - Bombay rail map.

The backbone of the city transport, the Mumbai Suburban Railway,popularly known as Locals, consists of three separate rail networks as you can see in Mumbai - Bombay rail map: Central, Western, and Harbour Line, running the length of the city, in the north-south direction. Mumbai - Bombay suburban rail systems carried a total of 6.3 million passengers every day in 2007, which is more than half of the Indian Railways daily carrying capacity. Trains are overcrowded during peak hours, with nine-car trains of rated capacity 1,700 passengers, actually carrying around 4,500 passengers at peak hours. The Mumbai - Bombay rail network is spread at an expanse of 319 route kilometres. 191 rakes(ratin-sets) of 9 car and 12 car composition are utilised to run a total of 2226 train services.

The Mumbai - Bombay Suburban Railway (Marathi: मुंबई उपनगरीय रेल्वे) is a mass transit system serving the Mumbai Metropolitan Region. It is part of the public transport system of Mumbai, is provided for by the state-run Indian Railways two zonal Western Railways and Central Railways. The system carries more than 7.24 million commuters on a daily basis as its shown in Mumbai - Bombay rail map. It has the highest passenger densities of any urban railway system in the world. The trains plying on its routes are commonly referred to as local trains or simply as locals by the general populace. The Mumbai Suburban Railway, as well as Indian Railways, are an offshoot of the first railway to be built by the British in India in April 1853, and was also the oldest railway system in Asia. The first train ran between Victoria Terminus (now Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus) and Thane, a distance of 34 km, on 16 April 1853 at 3:35PM.